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The Little Fire Truck
by Margery Cuyler
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More Myself
by Alicia Keys
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Wow! This was a one of a kind "reading" experience! I 100% recommend the audio version of this book. From the snippets of Alicia singing and playing the piano to the short poignant guest speakers at the beginning of a few chapters made the audio version stand out fantastically. Learning about how Alicia came to be in her current stage in life, the way she supports women in all the ways she can, and how she has kept her marriage and family at the forefront of her life (ahead of her career) was amazing to read about. Now, I do not care for books that go into one's political views, and she does quite a bit of that in her book (whether I agree or disagree with political views, I do not look to celebrities to influence me, I will do my own research and come to my own opinions). Though, I can't discount the fact that listening to her tell her life's truth and showcase her artistry made me look past those political moments.

Owl Diaries Set
by Rebecca Elliott
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This is a diary of an owl, Eva Windale. Wind of Eva was broken and went to the hospital. Lucy is Eva's best friend who kept her company at her home until Eva go to the hospital. Eva found a new friend at the hospital. They had so much fun at the hospital. This diary is telling us how Eva get well soon with all the help of its friends.

By Myself!
by Sumana Seeboruth
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The Dreamer
by Pam Muñoz Ryan
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Another young adult genre read. This one was personally driven by my love of poet, Pablo Neruda. I loved the author's interpretation of what his childhood was like (with creative liberties of course). It seems he had a very stereotypical Hispanic upbringing, where he needed to be more of a man's man, and not a writer, dreamer and collector. Seeing how he breaks the mold of what is expected of him and becoming who he is destined to be is heartwarming.

Bedtime For Batman
by Michael Dahl
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Are You My Mother
by P D Eastman Book
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Easy to read

The Marsh King's Daughter
by Karen Dionne
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This was such a page turner of a book. Not based on a true story (as I had originally thought) this book follows a daughter's struggle to turn her father in after he escapes prison. Though the turmoil starts well before when she realizes that her father abducted her mother at 14 and she is a result of his holding her captive. Now married with two children of her own, what decisions will she make to keep her own family safe from her father? Her cunning and wilderness upbringing will be tested in everyway as she tracks her father and ultimately makes a decision on what to do!

Girl, Stop Apologizing
by Rachel Hollis
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I added this book when I was trying to build my Beachbody business. I think if I was still in a place of wanting to build my own business, this book would have done more for me. Though it was good, I am no longer in the head space for the tips and messages it had to offer. I will say that I did have one really good take away for pursuing my personal career growth though. I feel like I have a road map to plan my next move within my current company to move into a bigger role and how to achieve it.

A To Z Mysteries
by Ron Roy
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Ruth Rose and Dink were going to discover about Peregrine falcons. The problem was when they got to the nest falcons were gone. The solution was Josh called someone and they found out who stole the falcons. This is a persuasion.
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