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Spider’s Web
by Agatha Christie

Excellent mystery of a dead man found in house.

Strange The Dreamer
by Laini Taylor

nventive, lyrically written fantasy. I guessed the first big plot twist fairly early on, but was completely surprised by the cliffhanger. There are several characters and themes I want to see more fully developed in the sequel.

Mrs. Plansky's Revenge
by Spencer Quinn

Such a fun, entertaining read. When Mrs. Plansky becomes the victim of a scam that empties her bank account, she travels to Romania to get her money back. This spry senior is a force to be reckoned with. Delightful!

The Marsh King's Daughter
by Karen Dionne

This was such a page turner of a book. Not based on a true story (as I had originally thought) this book follows a daughter's struggle to turn her father in after he escapes prison. Though the turmoil starts well before when she realizes that her father abducted her mother at 14 and she is a result of his holding her captive. Now married with two children of her own, what decisions will she make to keep her own family safe from her father? Her cunning and wilderness upbringing will be tested in everyway as she tracks her father and ultimately makes a decision on what to do!

The Marsh King's Daughter
by Karen Dionne

This was such a page turner of a book. Not based on a true story (as I had originally thought) this book follows a daughter's struggle to turn her father in after he escapes prison. Though the turmoil starts well before when she realizes that her father abducted her mother at 14 and she is a result of his holding her captive. Now married with two children of her own, what decisions will she make to keep her own family safe from her father? Her cunning and wilderness upbringing will be tested in everyway as she tracks her father and ultimately makes a decision on what to do!

The One & Only
by Emily Giffin

It was a good read. If you live in Texas you will know all the towns that is in the book.

by Laura Lynne Jackson

Nice book on the Signs that we get from the universe and the ones we loved who have passed. Many instances of Signs recieved by people are shared in the book, which are quite astonishing to note.

The Haunting Of Alejandra
by V. Castro

This was one of those books that I could not seem to put down. I don't know if it was the ties to the childhood story of La Llorona or what, but the story was so intricately woven in and out of generations of women in the same bloodline suffering this curse. It was painful to hear these different women's stories of not feeling good enough or not wanting to be a mother or really not feeling like they had any choice in their lives. Watching them suffer with how to best stop their pain for them and their daughters. Bringing in the story line of the Curandera and how she helped them to reach into the power of their familial roots for strength and knowledge was simply beautiful!

The Haunting Of Alejandra
by V. Castro

This was one of those books that I could not seem to put down. I don't know if it was the ties to the childhood story of La Llorona or what, but the story was so intricately woven in and out of generations of women in the same bloodline suffering this curse. It was painful to hear these different women's stories of not feeling good enough or not wanting to be a mother or really not feeling like they had any choice in their lives. Watching them suffer with how to best stop their pain for them and their daughters. Bringing in the story line of the Curandera and how she helped them to reach into the power of their familial roots for strength and knowledge was simply beautiful!

Dirty Thirty
by Janet Evanovich

I have read or audiobooked almost all of her books and love them. Good stories and always good for a laugh at Stephanie and Lula's antics!
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