Reading Lists
A Tale Old As Time

A Tale Old as Time: A classic

All Booked Up

All Booked Up: Book about or set in a library

Artful Dodger

Artful Dodger: book with a morally gray character

Birth to 12 Months

Start early and raise a book lover by reading to newborns. These hand-selected books are designed for babies birth to 12 months including durable board books and colorful pictures.

Boarding Pass

Boarding Pass: Book not set in the United States

Campaign Trail

Campaign Trail: Book with political themes

Coming Soon to Theaters

Coming Soon to Theaters: A book becoming a movie in 2024

Culture Shock

Culture Shock: Book from a Banned Book List


Daydreaming: Book with a day of the week in the title

Dragon's Horde

Dragon's Horde: Book with Gold, Silver or Bronze in the title


Farscape: Book with nonhuman characters

Full Steam Ahead

Full Steam Ahead: Book with Steampunk Themes

Funny Ha Ha

Funny Ha Ha: A Comedy

Game of Shows

Game of Shows: Book that inspired a TV Show

Genre Bender

Genre Bender: A Genre Hybrid


Halftone: A graphic novel

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn: a book set in a Hotel, Motel, Inn or Bed and Breakfast

Howdy, Partner

Howdy, Partner: A book set in Texas

Journey Begins

Journey Begins: The first book in a series 

Just the Facts

Just the Facts: a nonfiction book

Lock Pick

Lock Pick: A locked room mystery

No Vacancy

No Vacancy: A book with multiple points of view

Not Lost in Translation

Not Lost in Translation: A book translated into another language

Oh La La

Ooh La La: A book set in Paris

On Holiday

On Holiday: A book set during a holiday

One Giant Leap

One Giant Leap: A book set on another planet

Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds: A sports memoir


Passport: An adventure story

Per Diem

Per Diem: Book with a number in the title

Point of View

Point of View: Book by a BIPOC author


Polygot: A title featuring more than one language

Purple Prose

Purple Prose: A book with a purple cover. 

Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred: A Spy Novel 


Skywatching: book with "sun", "moon", or "Eclispe" in the title

Still Got It

Still Got It: A book with a senior protagonist 

Stuck on Repeat

Stuck on Repeat: A Retelling

Tale As Old As Time

Tale As Old As Time: A Classic Title 

Tour Bus

Tour Bus: A book written by two or more authors

Tourist Trap

Tourist Trap: Collections of Short Stories

Tourist Trap

Tourist Trap: A Collection of Short Stories


Voyager: An Epic Fantasy

Well Versed

Well Versed: A Book of Poetry

Who Runs the World

Who Runs the World: Winners of the Women's Prize for Fiction 

Who's a Good Boy

Who's a Good Boy: Titles featuring a pet

12 to 24 Months

Help young children develop a love for reading that will last a lifetime.  Read these fun books about animals and rhymes to your young one and watch their imagination grow.

2 to 3 Year Olds

Encourage your toddler to read with exciting books that span from simple picture books to more elaborate stories. Watch your child grow into a lifetime book lover.

4 to 5 Year Olds

Prepare your child for school by exposing them to reading at a young age. This book list is designed for 4 to 5 year olds as they prepare to enter kindergarten.

2018 CLEL Bell Awards

Use these titles to encourage interaction in the categories: Read, Write, Sing, Talk, and Play.