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Ward D
by Freida Mcfadden

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So many unpredictable twist

Three Thousand Stitches
by Sudha Murty

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Excellent book of Sudha Murty's experiences in her childhood and later in life. Brings memories of rural life of India in the 1970's to modern day India.

by Laura Lynne Jackson

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Nice book on the Signs that we get from the universe and the ones we loved who have passed. Many instances of Signs recieved by people are shared in the book, which are quite astonishing to note.

The Secrets Of My Life
by Caitlyn Jenner

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Have always liked Bruce Jenner and interest in his life. It was very interesting to know that he always felt that there was a women inside of him and how he decided to make his transition from a man to a women. She writes from her childhood, football player, track runner to a World Olympian; husband, father, step-father and now the Women she always felt she should be.

by Tina Fey

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I love to read memoirs of comedians. Tina Fey did not disappoint, though be ready for her comedic styling throughout the book. It seems almost like she is moving from topic to topic like someone seeing a squirrel run past. Though with her snippets/chapters being short it worked for me, as it did not seem like topics were droning on for too long. Knowing more about her behind the scenes struggle to be picked for scenes because of her look not being so easily manipulated, was interesting to say the least. She's right, we imagine she was in more scenes (probably because I loved her characters) than she really was. Her stories of Monica Lewinksy and Sarah Palin were funny to hear about! Ultimately a nice change to the novels I've been reading.

America's Dream
by Esmeralda Santiago

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I will have to say right upfront that this should have a domestic violence warning. With that being said, I really enjoyed this book. Watching a mother, her mother and her daughter going through a life littered with teen pregnancies and trying to break generational curses was so deep and sad in ways. Trying to break away from a life with a man that was abusive did not help her cause. The moments that struck me the deepest were watching her not think she deserved a better life. I love Esmeralda Santiago's writing and thought this book was wonderful!

I Can Read My First
by James Dean

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It’s a nice book to start with toddlers. Pages are colorful with pictures and short sentences.

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
by Brandon Sanderson

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This book was a very interesting fantasy novel with some romance. I loved how it made you see incredible colors in the different worlds and the unique jobs that the characters did. It made it feel more realistic in a way, while also being very fantastical. The ending at first was sad and then it came back around to be a very lovely way to end things out. I also liked how there were scene descriptions at the end of some of the chapters, it really helped to imagine the world he created in detail.

Throne Of Glass Series
by Sarah J Maas

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The Throne of Glass series is one that will immediately become one of your favorites. It is a series that everyone recommends. After reading Throne of Glass you will want to read all the other books by Sarah J. Maas because of the creativity, magic, danger, and emotion that she puts into the books.

Apples Never Fall
by Liane Moriarty

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Oh the length of this book in audio version... I really struggled to finish this book. The first half of the book seemed to drone on forever, without ever really getting interesting. The second half of the book is where it finally picked up! The tennis driven family of 6 in a twisting and turning whirlwind of who did it, where is mom, who is this stranger living with my parents, did dad kill mom was intriguing to say the least. I did watch the series after I read the book, it took some different turns, but ultimately told the same story. I would recommend watching the series, as it does the book justice, though reading the book - know it gets better in the second half when things are moving faster!