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The Very Secret Society Of Irregular Witches
by Sangu Mandanna

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This book was pretty boring not going to lie. I only liked the ending with the little twist, but other than that it was lame. I guess it was more of like a cozy read, but it wasn't even cozy feeling enough to have a better rating. I also hate the sunshine and grumpy trope of the love storyline, it's lame to me.

More Myself
by Alicia Keys

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Wow! This was a one of a kind "reading" experience! I 100% recommend the audio version of this book. From the snippets of Alicia singing and playing the piano to the short poignant guest speakers at the beginning of a few chapters made the audio version stand out fantastically. Learning about how Alicia came to be in her current stage in life, the way she supports women in all the ways she can, and how she has kept her marriage and family at the forefront of her life (ahead of her career) was amazing to read about. Now, I do not care for books that go into one's political views, and she does quite a bit of that in her book (whether I agree or disagree with political views, I do not look to celebrities to influence me, I will do my own research and come to my own opinions). Though, I can't discount the fact that listening to her tell her life's truth and showcase her artistry made me look past those political moments.

Call It What You Want
by Alissa DeRogatis

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Ughh Ethan!!!

Labyrinth Lost
by Zoraida Cordova

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Interesting read involving a Latinx fantastical world about Brujas and magic. A girl, Alejandra, must journey through a mystical world to save her family but she has to learn to find herself first. A bit cliche but overall fun read.

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Wrecking Ball Hardcover
by Jeff Kinney

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I like this book very much…

Hide & Seek
by James Patterson

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Gripping tale of a woman who writes and composes music and her personal tragic life. Thrilling to the end.

Girl, Stop Apologizing
by Rachel Hollis

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I added this book when I was trying to build my Beachbody business. I think if I was still in a place of wanting to build my own business, this book would have done more for me. Though it was good, I am no longer in the head space for the tips and messages it had to offer. I will say that I did have one really good take away for pursuing my personal career growth though. I feel like I have a road map to plan my next move within my current company to move into a bigger role and how to achieve it.

A-z Mysteries Book Set
by Ron Roy

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Dink and Josh are best friends. They got help from one of their friends Ruth Rose to find a famous author, Wallice Wallace. Wallice Wallace has been kidnapped. They were detectives to find him

Baby Sitters Little Sister Karen's Witch
by Katy Farina

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This book is full of mystery! It is about a little girl named Karen. She was trying to find out if her neighbor is a witch or not. But then she got into trouble but she knew that the neighbor was a witch. This book also has a lesson to learn and all of the babysitters little sister books have lessons.

Fat Chance, Charlie Vega
by Crystal Maldonado

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This was a fun quirky kind of read. Very much a young adult style book, dealing with high school love and dealing with Charlie's personal struggle with her weight. It was interesting how the main character dealt with not only the loss of a parent, but how she dealt with the parent left behind that made her feel self conscious of her weight. I think we as women all struggle with the stereotypes of not thinking we are loved when we don't love our own bodies.